Tuesday 4 March 2014

School Guidelines

Uniform- it is important that all students and parents/ guardians have read the expectations of the school in regards to uniform. Students are well aware of when they have P.E/ fitness/ swimming and should learn to manage themselves.

Diary- Each day, your child writes down the timetable for the day which includes when they must bring their swimming gear/ sports gear. You are more than welcome to look through their diary and help time manage your child in order for them to make sure they have their gear ready everyday.

Green Cards/ Gold Cards/ Red Cards:
Red Cards = positive action your child has performed. This can be linked with their management/ virtues/ class work.

Gold Cards= Privilege. Each child has the privilege of using the tuck shop at morning tea/ lunch, mufti day, outside school trips. If the student looses a green card, a gold card for the following week is taken off them, thereby loosing the privileges given from the school.
(however, student can still order lunch before school)

Green Cards= negative. If a student does not abide by the school rules such as forgetting their P.E gear/ Swimming gear/ uniform does not match the expectations of the school/ inappropriate language/ chewing gum/ sweets etc., a green card from will be taken off them. If 2 green cards are taken off in one week, the student will be put on blue brigade, where they will have to pick up rubbish during their own time for 1 week.

Please help your child ensure they are able to manage themselves in order to avoid loosing green cards :)

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Vilashini, and you're so right, kid's green cards are pretty loose... ;)
